Emergency Preparedness Week

Tools and resources to help you participate in the annual campaign.

EP Week 2024: May 5 to 11

Campaign theme: Be prepared. Know your risks.

The 2024 Emergency Preparedness Week Toolkit for campaign planning is now available.

Make preparedness routine

We have heard from many people through the annual Preparedness Survey of Albertans, that the biggest reasons they are not prepared for emergencies is due to a lack of information, lack of money and procrastination.

Emergency Preparedness Week (EP Week) is an opportunity to build more resilient communities and increase Albertan's risk awareness by identifying local hazards and sharing tips on how they can prepare.

When we know the risk, we are better prepared to take appropriate actions to help prevent and mitigate those risks.

This once-a-year spotlight on preparedness is a great opportunity to amplify your message by leveraging your communication channels and networks to break down the barriers to preparedness actions by sharing resources and messaging that encourages small actions year-round.

When the people living, working and visiting Alberta are self-reliant it helps them to achieve better outcomes during and after disruptions, emergencies and disasters and enables emergency responders to help those most vulnerable and get the situation under control.

Campaign resources

The EP Week Toolkit aims to support your efforts in encouraging community members to take disaster risk reduction actions by providing you with:

  • an annual theme aligned across Alberta to simplify the call to action
  • ideas and information to support campaign planning
  • a selection of communications you can edit to be more relatable and relevant for your community

Visit Resources for your community for public education materials such as:

  • 60-second videos
  • fact sheets
  • checklists
  • QR code posters

Get informed

Join the Resilience Builders Network to receive the quarterly Resilience Builders Bulletin. The bulletin:

  • features Be Prepared program updates
  • provides ideas and opportunities to build individual and community resilience
  • supports preparedness public education efforts through information sharing

Sign up for the bulletin at [email protected].

Stay informed

Prompting Preparedness messages are weekly communications encouraging simple steps individuals can take to be more prepared.

Sharing preparedness tips year-round breaks preparedness down into more manageable steps increasing your community’s ability to safely navigate disruptions when they occur.

Share these messages through:

  • newsletters
  • websites and social media
  • email communications

Share messages when it will prompt action, you know your community best:

  • Prompting Preparedness messages are shared every Friday and feature simple actions
  • copy the message, edit to make relevant and share often with your community

Sign up at: [email protected].

Teaching moments

These are year-round opportunities to encourage action at a time of low-risk, so people are prepared when the risk is high.

For example, the National Public Alerting system is tested twice a year. Use the test alert as a teaching moment to introduce preparedness to youth using the National Test Alert Day Guide available in English or French. The guide offers simple lessons that help facilitate discussions.

Visit Alert Ready for test dates.


Connect with the Alberta Emergency Management Agency:

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-422-9000
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)
Email: [email protected]

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